

  在英语中,句子中的谓语动词在人称和单、复数形式上必须和主语保持一致,这就是我们通常说的“主谓一致”。这一点看似简单,但在实际运用中却常常遇到麻烦。一般情况下,主谓之间的一致关系由以下三个原则的支配: 语法一致原则、 意义一致原则和就近原则。



  he often helps me learn english.  (主语是单数形式,谓语也采取单数形式)  。

  my friends often help me learn english.  (主语是复数形式,谓语也采取复数形式)



  例如:reading aloud is helpful to learn english.大声朗读对学习英语是有帮助的。

  what he said has been recorded .他说的话已被录音了。

  2、不定代词one, every, each, everybody, everyone, one of, no one, nothing, nobody, someone, somebody, either, neither, many a 等作主语或是修饰主语时应看作单数,谓语动词用单数。但none 作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数也可用复数,这要取决于说话人的看法。

  例如:neither of my sisters likes sports .我的妹妹中没人喜欢运动。

  every boy and girl shows great interest in this book .每个男孩和女孩对这本书都表现出很大的兴趣。


  例如:one thousand and one nights tells people lots of interesting stories .   《一千零一夜》给人们讲了许多有趣的故事。

  4、a kind of, the number of等与名词构成名词短语作主语时应看作单数,谓语动词用单数。

  例如:the number of workers in the factory is 400. 这个工厂里工人的数量是400.

  a kind of rose in the garden smells very pleasant.这座花园里有一种玫瑰香气怡人。

  5、由some, several, both, few, many, a number of 等词修饰主语,或是由它们自身作主语时应看作复数,谓语动词用复数。另外,由and连接两个主语时,谓语一般用复数。

  例如:on the seashore, some people are playing volleyball 海边,有些人在打排球。

  both of us are fond of watching football games .我们俩都喜欢看足球赛。

  a number of will-be graduates are voluntarily going to work in the west of china. 许多即将毕业的学生打算自愿去中国西部工作。

  6、有些表示数量的百分数,分数等后面加名词或代词作主语时,要根据这个名词或代词来决定其谓语动词的单复数形式。如:a lot of, most of, any of, half of, three fifths of, eighty percent of, some of, none of, the rest of, all of等后接不可数名词,或是单数形式的名词作主语时应看作单数,谓语动词用单数;但如果后接可数名词的复数形式作主语时应看作复数,谓语动词用复数。

  例如:a lot of money in the shop was stolen yesterday. 昨天那家商店丢失了许多钱。

  a lot of students are from england in the school.那个学校里很多学生来自英国。



  1)当主语后面接由but, except, besides, as well as, as much as, including, more than, no less than, rather than, together with等引导的词组时,其谓语动词的单复数形式通常由前面的词来决定。在这样的句子里,这些词所引导的词组不影响主语自身的单,复数形式,它们在句子里其实是状语。

  例如:the teacher, with all his students, is going to have a picnic this weekend.老师打算这个周末与学生们一起去野炊。

  the students, together with their teacher, are going to have a picnic this weekend.学生们打算这个周末与他们的老师一起去野炊。

  我们完全可以将上面句子中的那些词组都分别搬到句首或是放到句末去,因为它们在句子里是状语:the students are going to have a picnic this weekend together with their teacher.


  eight hours of sleep is enough. 八小时的睡眠足够了。

  twenty years stands for a long period in one's life. 二十年在人的一生里意味着一个很长的时期。

  3)形容词前加定冠词即“the 形容词”作主语时,其意义若是指个人或是抽象概念应看作单数,谓语动词用单数;指一类人则应该看作是复数,那么谓语动词也应该用复数。

  例如:the sick here are very well cared for. 这里的病人都被照顾得很好。

  the true is to be distinguished from the false. 真实与虚假应加以区别。

  4)由and 连接的两个单数名词作主语时,谓语动词一般根据语法一致的原则用复数。


  如:the writer and teacher is coming. 那位作家兼教师来了。(作家和教师指同一个人)

  the writer and the teacher are coming. 作家和老师来了。(作家和老师是两个人)

  5)集体名词作主语时,谓语动词的数取决于主语的意义:主语表示整体时视为单数,谓语动词用单数;主语表示集体中的个体成员时视为复数,谓语动词用复数。这类集体名词常见的有:army, class, club, crowd, family, government, group, people, police, public, team等。

  例如:the family are all fond of football. 那一家人都喜欢足球。

  the family is the tiniest cell of the society. 家庭是社会的最小的细胞。

  6)一些形式为复数,意思为单数的名词,如:trousers, pants, shorts, glasses, 等作主语时,谓语动词用复数。

  如:her glasses are new. 她的眼镜是新的。

  但当这类名词前有a pair of 修饰时,谓语动词应用单数。

  如:this pair of trousers is made in hangzhou.


  这一原则是指,谓语动词的人称和数常常与最近作主语的词语保持一致。常出现在这类句子中的连词有:or, either… or …, neither… nor … , not only… but also …等。

  例如: either i or they are responsible for the result of the matter. 不是我,就是他们要对那件事的结局负责任。

  neither his family nor he knows anything about it. 他全家人和他都不知道那件事。



  典型例题:the factory, including its machines and buildings, __________ burnt last night.

  a. is b. are c. were d. was

  解析:but, except, besides, with, together with, along with, including, as well as, rather than, like等词连接主语时,谓语动词和前面的主语保持一致,本题中就是和the factory保持一致。而这些词所引导的词组不影响主语自身的单,复数形式,它们在句子里其实是状语。




  典型例题:either jane or steven _____ watching tv now.

  a. were b. is c. was d. are

  解析:本题考查的是就近原则。either… or …, neither… nor … , not only… but also …连接两个主语时,谓语动词的人称和数常常与最近作主语的词语保持一致。本题中就是和steven保持一致。有now.可知是现在进行时,排除a和c.



