初三unit 3 同步练习-爱游戏官网登录入口

更新于:2014-01-31 初三英语



  1.as a student,we have to o________ the rules.

  2.our teacher listed three p_________ on how to write a good essay.

  3.he has been ____________(教) to be polite since he was 9.

  4.he isn’t ______________(现实) enough,and he always puts himself in his beautiful dreams.

  5.at last,he ______________(成功) and became a great businessman.



  1.get in the way_____________2.care about____________3.make decision______________

  4. be serious about___________5.spend time on__________6.achieve one’s dream__________


  ( ) 1.i don’t think teenagers should be allowed to drive,because they are ___________.

  a.not enough serious b.not serious enough

  c.too serious d.not serious

  ( ) 2.i have to stay at home ____________ school nights.

  a.in b.at c.on d.for

  ( ) 3.many students will be __________ if the class is boring.

  a.sleep b.sleepy c.sleeping d.slept

  ( ) 4.students _______ to use e-mail english in everyday writing.

  a.may not b.can’t c.shouldn’t d.shouldn’t be allowed

  ( ) 5.——i think teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to smoke.——i agree ________ you.

  a.with b.on c.about d.for

初三unit 3 同步练习》阅读地址:http://www.91yuer.com/yuer/11574/

