
更新于:2014-02-15 初中英语英语口语

  1. 请求约会的口语

  are you free this afternoon? 今天下午你有空吗?

  are you doing anything special tonight? 今晚你有什么事吗?

  do you happen to be free this sunday? 本周星期天你有空吗?

  are you going to be busy this evening? 今晚你忙吗?

  i’d like to call on you tomorrow. 我想明天来找你。

  i’d like to see [meet]you this evening. 我想今晚找你。

  will you be free next monday? 下星期一你有空吗?

  there is something i’d like to talk over with you. i wonder if you’d be free tonight. 我有点事找你商量,不知你今晚是否有空?

  i wonder if you will be free this afternoon? 不知你今天下午是否有空?

  will it be convenient to see you on monday? 星期一见面方便吗?


